Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How would you like to hear 3 of my secrets in bussiness why i survive in my daily needs with lots of problems and obligations?

Ready? Here they are:

1. Stop trying to do things in your business you have no passion for.
2. Stop wearing all the hats in your bussiness.
3. stop doing all the things that don't generate income.

So, Now that you've stopped doing those things 
What do you do instead?

1. Start surounding yourself with a brilliant team.
2. Start focusing on doing the things only you can do.
3. Start identifying the high profit areas in your business.

Hi I'm MARVIN CHUA and i'm a small business owner of cellphone and computer services here in the Philippines. My focus is to let my  family financially stable and doing well even i am the only one who earn or make money in my family to give their daily needs.

Some of my friends and people related to these kind of business wants to transform in another business just to let them earn money and survive... 

Some get out of the country to seek their career and earn or get more money for their family...

Ive been in this kind of business for almost 8 years since our house was burn, all of our belongings were gone, my wife gave birth for our first baby...After my wife gave birth, I told myself that i have to make some moves just to let my family survive and let my wife continue her studies. That was the time i decided to put small business with good income. I did all good ways just to earn money for my family needs as life goes by... 


I let my wife continue her studies, supporting our children's daily needs, paying all the bills, paying my small house and lot for my family and more obligations with this kind of little business? How did i survived?

Simply, That was the 3 simple  secrets in business.

Why should you listen to me?

I was right where you were once. I started my business because I had a VISION and PASSION, and after a few months, I was completely broke, in debt and so overworked I couldn't see straight. Then i stand up once again to continue what i started and make the bad things as GUIDE and PRECAUTIONS.  And mostly, The most important is GOD, think always with him and never forget him. Because i have encountered and tested capture my success.

This is not the end, yet there will be more trials, obligations and problems will come.

I'm looking forward to let this blog be your guide in your success.

Cellphone and Personal Computer Specialist

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